When I spoke over the summer I had everyone read a short prayer together. I really enjoyed the way it caused our vibrations to match and it truly helped me calm my nerves and center myself.
So I’d like to do that again, I put a prayer on all the seats…everyone got one? Please join me…
Infinite Spirit we ask that you help us stay connected to you on this day and every day so that we may know the peace that is our inheritance. Lead us through a world where we see only love in every situation. Guide us to make the choice for love and to relinquish fear. Whenever we are tempted to listen to fear's cries, let us listen instead to loves song and know it is our own. Amen
Can you all feel the change in our vibrations as we read together and focus our thoughts on the same words and their reality? The energy rises and spirit pulls us all together.
I love that feeling. Thank you all.
Physicists will tell you everything vibrates. Everything. Every atom and every molecule. Things that are alive like you and I and solid items like the benches on which you sit…everything has a vibration…a frequency…
I’m no physicist and the amount of data to be found on the subject is truly overwhelming…
Emotions are vibrational frequencies as well…and those same physicists can show that although we express a multitude of emotions and feelings the basic vibrational frequency boils down to either that of love or that of fear.
All we do and feel, how we react…everything about our personality comes from the vibration of either fear or love.
Sometimes that’s an easy distinction to make.
Sometimes it’s not so clear.
We’ve all been programmed to live with fear in so many ways.
In the oddest of places we are instilled with a sense of fear.
I went to a wedding a couple weeks ago. It took place in an absolutely stunning church. Rich with rituals and traditions that set a very sacred tone. I sat in the pews admiring the ornate details and opulent beauty that surrounded me, but the message I walked away with didn’t express the same beauty.
I walked away in awe about how fear was so deeply embedded in what I would consider a sacred place of love…
Spirit works in amazing ways and I knew half way thru the ceremony that this would be a great topic to share here today with you all…I don’t think I have any answers, but I think it’s worth being aware of and a it’s discussion worth having.
Our first principle says “We believe in Infinite Spirit and that God is Infinite Spirit.”
Websters says infinite means …“having no limits or boundaries in time or space or extent or magnitude; inexhaustible; extending beyond measure or comprehension: without beginning or end; endless; vast; immense”
I love that. Boundless Spirit with no limits. An inexhaustible, endless God.
Sometimes you’ll hear it said as Infinite Intelligence… isn’t that a wonderful too, limitless intelligence?
It makes sense that God would be infinite and inexhaustible.
That is what we’ve learned as Spiritualists. To believe in Infinite Spirit.
So I guess I was taken aback by this wedding ceremony and the limitations placed on the God they choose to believe in.
To begin with the priest welcomed the bride and groom and congratulated them for choosing to have their ceremony there in that specific church. He went on to compare a beach wedding to a church wedding, specifically that denomination of church wedding. He professed with great conviction that this bride and groom and their marriage would be more blessed and somehow better because it took place inside this church in front of God and not on a beach or a at a park where God wouldn’t be.
It was proclaimed to the congregation that here in this church is the only way to truly take marriage vows and that any other way would lead to unforeseen negative consequences.
God would really only be with them if those vows were taken in this kind of church.
How scary of a thought is that?
God with limits? A God that’s not all encompassing and everywhere…
God’s not at the beach?
This is what he wanted me to believe…
I don’t know about you but I’ve never been to the beach and not felt the presence of Spirit or God. Outside under the sky I feel closer to God than just about anywhere, although for me Spirit is always with me. Everywhere.
I couldn’t believe this man wanted to convince this congregation that God wasn’t at the beach or at a park or anywhere other than at that church?
Don’t you believe God is everywhere?
My truth says I’m never without God.
No matter what.
In the bible it does say that wherever 2 or more are gathered in His name He is there…that could be at the beach couldn’t it?
I was amazed that this pastor wanted to put “the fear of God” (interesting phrase really huh?)
into us, somehow insinuating that God isn’t always with us. Saying He’d leave us if we didn’t do things just so. He said being at that kind of church was the only way to really be with God.
The sermon went on to discuss the sacrifices and hardwork we all must face in order to one day enjoy God’s Love in Heaven.
The emphasis was on all the terrible things we must endure here in this life to reach that ultimate place where we can feel the beauty of God’s Love.
He even pointed out the beautiful artwork depicting all the sacrifices and the difficult climb that eventually reached the ultimate expression of God’s Love, to be found in Heaven.
I kept feeling, what’s with all the doom and gloom?
We have to die to know God’s love?
He’s got to be kidding right?
I wanted to jump out of my seat by now…
To me God equals unconditional ever present love and this wasn’t resonating with me…
The ideas of reaching towards God’s love as some reward for right living…
The idea that God’s Love isn’t already all around us everyday to enjoy and grow in.
I believe God’s love is here…right now…in each moment… God loves us.
God isn’t about making us suffer in order to be loved…
Not to me anyway. I’m thinking not to most of you either…
But fear has convinced a lot of people that that is the truth….fear hidden behind a loving agenda.
Such a traditional and beautiful faith for many but in my opinion it very much relies on the fear they instill in its members.
Its almost like a catalist for fear in our society and when leaving the church that day I realized how difficult of a challenge it would be to remove fear from humanity when it’s so deeply embedded in a place that should be only and all about love.
Sometimes we think we are doing or feeling or reacting to a situation out of love but deep inside fear is the true motivation. It’s tricky how fear takes hold and manipulates our true selves…
Fear often goes unnoticed and disguised as love.
One example I can give of the way fear hides behind what we consider acts of love, is our relationships to our children.
I love when we have kids in the sanctuary. The purity and joy of the energy that comes from little people is one of God’s greatest gifts.
Here at church they have the chance to learn such beautiful lessons and to be lucky enough to begin absorbing this energy at a young age is just wonderful…
One of the less obvious lessons to be learned here is how to sit quietly and listen. Not the little babies of course but as they begin to grow and understand…
Learning how to show respect for people sitting nearby and for whoever is on the platform speaking is a valuable life skill and this atmosphere is perfect to begin to nurture that learning…
We all know kids can be disruptive and unsettled, it’s their nature and not unexpected. Sitting still is a difficult task at any age never mind at 5 years old. It’s not easy to speak up and ask them to stop kicking the seat or to not crinkle the papers. We are reluctant to correct the child. We are afraid we’ll hurt their feelings, or afraid they’ll be mad at us and think we are a meany or that we don’t love them.
When in truth it is an act of love. After all our goal is to teach them skills for the life they have ahead of them…
It’s the love we have for them that wants to teach them and help them be prepared for other life situations where stillness and attention is needed.
How many times have you all seen a mom at the grocery store give in to her child’s tantrum just to stop the tantrum? It’s fear that motivates that decision. Fear of being embarrassed by a freaking out child, fear of said child thinking you’re a rotten mom…
It might not be obvious but NOT giving in is reacting with love.
Fear and love. The 2 most basic human emotions. The foundation and truth behind all other emotions.
It’s either fear or love.
Sometimes we know from which we are reacting but often times we are deceived by our own conditioning and confuse the two.
I may not have control in the moment fear takes over, but if I can step outside of myself enough to be aware then maybe I can gently nudge myself back to being fueled by love.
I really love affirmations. I will make a new affirmation each day and declare my intention to always vibrate with love. I will ask infinite spirit to guide me and help me be aware and I will believe it’s possible.
When working within the vibration of love we fufill our true destiny where we can find and share the peace that is our inheritance.
Inheritance means it’s ours, gifted to us.
Staying within that love frequency and letting go of fear is the surest way to finding that peace.
Thank you infinite spirit for being just that,
Infinite, limitless and boundary free…
Thank you for guiding us to always operate on the frequency of love.